Patch 0.2.1


- Added a slider for music volume.

- Added a slider for SFX volume.


- Damage numbers no longer prevent players from clicking on fields.

- Added tooltips for most important UI buttons.

- When you're about to deploy a unit, a more detailed information about it will be displayed on the screen (such as max HP, damage output and more).


- You can now adjust the length of mutliplayer turns.

- The game will no longer let you start a multiplayer game if the amount of players is lower that the required amount.

* Minimum: 30s

* Default: 60s

* Maximum: 120s

- You can now quickly examine units while waiting for other players to finish their turn.

- You can now send emotes to other players by pressing number keys. Those include:

1. "Hi"

2. "o7"

3. "Uh oh"

4. "Snap"

5. "GGWP"


- From now on, units that are more than 3.5 fields away from their commander will not be able to perform actions (melee attacks, ranged attacks and active abilities)

- Units will still be able to move though


- Units with armor will lose 50% of their current armor at the end of each turn.

- UNLESS a unit was affected by an armor granting effect during that turn.


- Defense Drone

* [BUFF] Passive Field Generator now provides 5 armor per turn (used to provide 3)

* [BUFF] Max mana of Defense Drone has been reduced to 25 (used to be 30)

* [NERF] Max armor has been reduced to 35 (was 40)

Defense Drone relies entirely on its abilities but they weren't as reliable. Those buffs should improve its utility.

- Siege Machine

* [FIX] Fixed an error that caused Walking Armor Generator to provide armor to all allies

* [NERF] Walking Armor Generator now provides 15 armor points (used to provide 50% of max armor)

* [BUFF] Max mana of Siege Machine has been reduced to 35 (used to be 40) to compensate

Let's be real here, Siege Machine was overpowered. Not just because of the insane armor generation but also because of the error in code.

- Storm Spreader

* [BUFF] Storm stacks now decay at a rate of 1 per turn

* [BUFF] Gathering Storm now deals 2 damage per storm stack

* [BUFF] Max mana of Storm Spreader has been reduced to 30 (used to be 45)

* [NERF] Max armor has been reduced to 30 (was 40) to compensate

Storm Spreader, despite being an elite unit, felt irrelevant. With those buffs, storm stacks should be much more impactful.


- Armor generator

* [NERF] Now provides 40% of max armor upon usage (used to be 75%)

Files 128 MB
Oct 25, 2024

Get Faraway Myths

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